Account class provides a simple abstraction to create and manage secrets, and perform account-based work such as
signing transactions. It encapsulates features like CIP 1852 compatible address derivation, BIP-39 mnemonic generation through
a simple Account
class. An instance of Account
can be created from an existing mnemonic or account private key and derivation path.
Transaction Building Apis
Low Level Serialization Api
These are low level serialization api to build transaction for Cardano network. These APIs are flexible and good for complex scenarios. Basically, you can achieve any complexity with low level api. These apis provide flexibility, but building transactions this way is complex. Unless really required, this option should be avoided to build transactions.
QuickTx API (Recommended)
This new declarative-style transaction builder API strikes a balance between simplicity and flexibility. It’s built upon the Composable Functions API and offers a more streamlined experience, supporting an extensive range of transactions. Those familiar with the Lucid JS library will notice many similarities.
Composable Functions API
These apis provide a balance between simple interface and flexibility. Using out-of-box composable functions, you can achieve any complexity and at the same time, you can write your own composable functions to customize the behavior during transaction building.
High-Level Api (Deprecated)
Provides simple interfaces to do transfer and token minting transaction. These apis are beginner friendly, but some complex transactions may not be possible through high-level API.
Ledger data provider apis
Cardano is an UTXO based blockchain. Unlike account-based blockchains like Ethereum, a transaction in Cardano has inputs and outputs, where inputs are unspent outputs from previous transactions. Assets are stored on the ledger in unspent outputs, rather than accounts.
A transaction is built using off-chain code and submitted to Cardano node for processing. But inputs (unspent outputs) used in a transaction are fetched from the Cardano blockchain. Similarly, few protocol parameters may be required during transaction building.
Supplier Interfaces
The library provides simple supplier interfaces which can be implemented to provide required on-chain data during transaction building. These apis remove direct dependency with on-chain data provider in core library.
1. ProtocolParameterSupplier :- Implement this functional interface to provide current protocol parameters. Protocol parameters are required to build the transaction.
public interface ProtocolParamsSupplier {
ProtocolParams getProtocolParams();
2. UtxoSupplier:- This interface has only one method. Implement this interface to provide utxos which are required during transaction building.
public interface UtxoSupplier {
List<Utxo> getPage(String address, Integer nrOfItems, Integer page, OrderEnum order);
3. TransactionProcessor :- Implement this interface to submit transactions to the Cardano blockchain. This is an optional interface.
public interface TransactionProcessor {
Result<String> submitTransaction(byte[] cborData) throws ApiException;
Backend Api
Alternatively, the required on-chain data for transaction building can be retrieved through backend api layer. The library
defines standard apis to get commonly used on-chain data from a provider. Using a backend service implementation, you can easily create an
instance of UtxoSupplier
or ProtocolParamsSupplier
Following Backend apis are currently available
- TransactionService (Submit transaction, Get transaction, Evaluate ExUnits for Script Txn)
- AddressService (Get address details)
- UtxoService (Get utxos for an address)
- AssetService
- BlockService
- NetworkInfoService
- EpochService
- MetadataService
Though backend api provides an easy way to fetch required data from the blockchain, but it's not mandatory for transaction building. You can just implement supplier interfaces to provide required on-chain data to build a transaction. There is no direct dependency between library's core functionality and backend apis.
Backend Providers
Out of box, the library currently supports integration with following providers through the Backend api.
- Blockfrost
- Koios
- Ogmios (Supports submitTransaction, evaluateTx and UtxoService through Kupo)
Utxo Selection Strategy
The library provides different utxo selection strategy implementations. The utxo selection strategy can be changed by providing a custom implementation of "UtxoSelectionStrategy" interface or by selecting an existing one.
- DefaultUtxoSelectionStrategyImpl
- LargestFirstUtxoSelectionStrategy
- RandomImproveUtxoSelectionStrategy
By default, DefaultUtxoSelectionStrategy
is used both in Composable functions and High Level api. The default strategy
is too simple and finds required utxos sequentially. But it may not be efficient for some use-cases. You can easily use another
available UtxoSelectionStrategy impl or provide your own implementation.
CIP Implementations
Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) describe standards, processes; or provide general guidelines or information to the Cardano Community. It is a formal, technical communication process that exists off-chain.
The library implements some commonly used CIPs.