Simple Ada Transfer
In this section, we will go through the steps required to do a simple Ada transfer from a sender account to two receiver addresses.
Select a Network and Provider
First we need to select a network for our transaction. You can choose one of the available public test network.
- Preprod
- Preview
Similarly, choose a backend provider to interact with Cardano blockchain. You can select either Koios or Blockfrost as backend provider.
Please check dependencies page to find the required dependency for your selected backend provider.
For Blockfrost as backend provider, you need to first create an account on and get
a Project Id
for the selected network.
For Koios backend provider, you don't need any registration.
Create Sender and Receiver accounts
We need three accounts for this example, a sender account and two receiver accounts. As we are going to use one of the test network, the following code will generate three testnet addresses.
Account senderAccount = new Account(Networks.testnet());
String senderAddress = senderAccount.baseAddress();
String senderMnemonic = senderAccount.mnemonic();
Account receiverAccount1 = new Account(Networks.testnet());
String receiverAddress1 = receiverAccount1.baseAddress();
Account receiverAccount2 = new Account(Networks.testnet());
String receiverAddress2 = receiverAccount2.baseAddress();
If you already have mnemonic for an existing account, you can create a sender account from the mnemonic. For this example, we just need sender account's mnemonic.
String senderMnemonic = "<24 words mnemonic>";
Account senderAccount = new Account(Networks.testnet(), senderMnemonic);
Similarly, we need two receiver addresses to receive some ada. Unlike other account-based blockchains, Cardano supports multiple outputs in a single transaction. So let's define two receiving addresses.
String receiverAddress1 = "addr_test...";
String receiverAddress2 = "addr_test...";
Two types of address can be generated, mainnet address or testnet address.
To generate a test network address, you can use any of the network constant Networks.testnet()
, Networks.preprod()
. The generated testnet address can be used on any of the test network.
(The address generation depends on the NetworkId in Network object not protocol magic. These public test networks have same network id (0))
For mainnet address, you need to use Networks.mainnet()
Topup sender account with test Ada
Based on your selected network, get some test Ada from one of the below faucet. You need to provide senderAddress
generated in the previous section to get some test Ada.
Create Backend Service
For Blockfrost :
Use the correct Blockfrost url for the selected network and project id to create an instance of BackendService.
String bfProjectId = "preprod...";
BackendService backendService =
new BFBackendService(Constants.BLOCKFROST_PREPROD_URL, bfProjectId);
Note: You can find Blockfrost urls for the supported networks in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.blockfrost.common.Constants
For Koios :
BackendService backendService = new KoiosBackendService(KOIOS_TESTNET_URL);
Note: You can find other Koios urls in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.koios.Constants
Simple Transfer - Using QuickTx API
Check this post to know how to build and submit transaction using QuickTx API.
Introducing new QuickTx API in Cardano Client Lib
Simple Transfer - Using Composable Functions
Let's start with a brief introduction about composable functions.
Composable function ?
A set of FunctionalInterface
which can be used to implement composable functions. These functions
can be used to build various different types of transactions. The library provides many useful out-of-box implementations of these functions
to reduce boilerplate code. You can also write your own function and use it with existing functions.
The followings are the main FunctionalInterface
- TxBuilder
- TxOutputBuilder
- TxInputBuilder
- TxSigner
TxBuilder : This functional interface helps to transform a transaction object. The apply
method in this interface takes
a TxBuilderContext
and a Transaction
object as input parameters. The role of this function is to transform the input transaction
object with additional attributes or update existing attributes.
TxOutputBuilder : This functional interface helps to build a TransactionOutput
object and add that to the transaction output list.
The accept method in this interface takes a TxBuilderContext
and a list of TransactionOutput
TxInputBuilder : This functional interface is responsible to build inputs from the expected outputs.
TxSigner : This interface is responsible to provide transaction signing capability.
Now we have everything to build and submit our first transfer transaction.
Define Expected Outputs
First we need to define the expected output. Let's say we want to send 10 Ada to receiverAddress1 and 20 Ada to receiverAddress2.
Output output1 = Output.builder()
Output output2 = Output.builder()
import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.common.ADAConversionUtil.adaToLovelace;
import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.common.CardanoConstants.LOVELACE;
Create a transaction message metadata
Let's create a CIP20 complaint metadata to add some random message to the transaction. This is not mandatory, but we will use this opportunity to see how a metadata can be added to a transaction.
MessageMetadata metadata = MessageMetadata.create()
.add("First transfer transaction");
Define transaction using TxBuilder and out-of-box composable functions
Line-1, Line-2 Create TxOutputBuilder
from output1
and compose it with another TxOutputBuilder
generated from output2
Note: Check out various helper methods in com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.helper.OutputBuilders
to create TxOutputBuilder
Line-3, Invoke TxOutputBuilder.buildInputs
with a TxInputBuilder
function. TxInputBuilder
function builds required
inputs based on the expected outputs.
You can select an appropriate composable function from InputBuilders
helper class to get a TxInputBuilder
. In the below example,
InputBuilders.createFromSender(String sender, String changeAddress)
out-of-box composable function is used.
Line-4, Use AuxDataProviders.metadataProvider(metadata)
composable function to add metadata.
Line-5, Use BalanceTxBuilders.balanceTx
composable function to balance the unbalanced transaction.
It handles the followings to balance a transaction
- Fee calculation
- Adjust the outputs (if required)
TxBuilder txBuilder = output1.outputBuilder() .and(output2.outputBuilder()) .buildInputs(createFromSender(senderAddress, senderAddress)) .andThen(metadataProvider(metadata)) .andThen(balanceTx(senderAddress, 1));
Build and Sign the transaction
Line-1 & Line-2, Create UtxoSupplier
& ProtocolParamsSupplier
from the BackendService
Line-4, Initialize TxBuilderContext
using UtxoSupplier
and ProtocolParamsSupplier
Using TxBuilderContext
you can customize few behaviors during transaction building.
For example: Select a different UtxoSelectionStrategy
Line-5, Create TxSigner
function using SignerProviders.signerFrom(Account... signers)
and use it to build
and sign the transaction.
UtxoSupplier utxoSupplier = new DefaultUtxoSupplier(backendService.getUtxoService());ProtocolParamsSupplier protocolParamsSupplier = new DefaultProtocolParamsSupplier(backendService.getEpochService());Transaction signedTransaction = TxBuilderContext.init(utxoSupplier, protocolParamsSupplier) .buildAndSign(txBuilder, signerFrom(senderAccount));
Submit the transaction to Cardano network
Now we are ready to submit the transaction to the network. In this example, we are going to submit this transaction through
. Alternatively, you can submit the generated transaction using your own TransactionProcessor
Result<String> result = backendService.getTransactionService().submitTransaction(signedTransaction.serialize());
If successful, result.isSuccessful()
will return true.
Full Source Code
import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.account.Account;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.api.ProtocolParamsSupplier;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.api.UtxoSupplier;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.api.model.Result;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.api.BackendService;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.api.DefaultProtocolParamsSupplier;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.api.DefaultUtxoSupplier;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.blockfrost.common.Constants;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.backend.blockfrost.service.BFBackendService;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.cip.cip20.MessageMetadata;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.common.model.Networks;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.Output;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.TxBuilder;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.TxBuilderContext;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.helper.InputBuilders;import com.bloxbean.cardano.client.transaction.spec.Transaction;import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.common.ADAConversionUtil.adaToLovelace;import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.common.CardanoConstants.LOVELACE;import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.helper.AuxDataProviders.metadataProvider;import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.helper.BalanceTxBuilders.balanceTx;import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.helper.InputBuilders.createFromSender;import static com.bloxbean.cardano.client.function.helper.SignerProviders.signerFrom;public class SimpleTransfer { public void transfer() throws Exception { //Sender account String senderMnemonic = "<24 words mnemonic>"; Account senderAccount = new Account(Networks.testnet(), senderMnemonic); String senderAddress = senderAccount.baseAddress(); //Addresses to receive ada String receiverAddress1 = "addr_test1qpjs693nk7makhcax3k7h0hkjyye2adwv3e300dkfwpqj8k2le4j5lg6gd773gdvs7jcnwdxvtztmxawwcdmvm0h870sardwde"; String receiverAddress2 = "addr_test1qzvy33rr24huuqv46ajex99hrcl0dauqcch7meznf4mdyd4sqwzjy5gaynruuwtdmwmdlnasa8t2g2t0fqmf8rhq3e6svxzum4"; // For Blockfrost String bf_projectId = "<Blockfrost Project Id>"; BackendService backendService = new BFBackendService(Constants.BLOCKFROST_PREVIEW_URL, bf_projectId); // For Koios // BackendService backendService = new KoiosBackendService(KOIOS_TESTNET_URL); // Define expected Outputs Output output1 = Output.builder() .address(receiverAddress1) .assetName(LOVELACE) .qty(adaToLovelace(10)) .build(); Output output2 = Output.builder() .address(receiverAddress2) .assetName(LOVELACE) .qty(adaToLovelace(20)) .build(); // Create a CIP20 message metadata MessageMetadata metadata = MessageMetadata.create() .add("First transfer transaction"); // Define TxBuilder TxBuilder txBuilder = output1.outputBuilder() .and(output2.outputBuilder()) .buildInputs(createFromSender(senderAddress, senderAddress)) .andThen(metadataProvider(metadata)) .andThen(balanceTx(senderAddress, 1)); UtxoSupplier utxoSupplier = new DefaultUtxoSupplier(backendService.getUtxoService()); ProtocolParamsSupplier protocolParamsSupplier = new DefaultProtocolParamsSupplier(backendService.getEpochService()); //Build and sign the transaction Transaction signedTransaction = TxBuilderContext.init(utxoSupplier, protocolParamsSupplier) .buildAndSign(txBuilder, signerFrom(senderAccount)); //Submit the transaction Result<String> result = backendService.getTransactionService().submitTransaction(signedTransaction.serialize()); System.out.println(result); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new SimpleTransfer().transfer(); }}